US indicting Charles Taylor...isn't it ironic..
...don't you think;
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Yes by all means, let us not be a 'safe haven' for human rights violators.
Ingrid, proud member of BLOGGERS AGAINST TORTURE! (cross posted at Blogger Round Table)
Alice Fisher, assistant U.S. attorney general for the Justice Department's criminal division, said the indictment was the first time charges under the torture laws had been brought. Emmanuel faces a potential life prison sentence.Say what?
"Crimes such as these will not go unanswered," Fisher said at a news conference in Washington with Miami U.S. Attorney R. Alexander Acosta and Julie L. Myers, head of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement.
"This is a clear message that the United States will not be a safe haven for human rights violators," Myers said.
The Congress just passed a bill that enshrines both “harsh interrogation” methods and denies habeas corpus for anyone who is accused of “purposefully and materially supporting hostilities against the United States” no matter if that support came in the shape of donating money to a cause only to find out that the cause was a front for “terrorists.” In voting for this bill, the Congress has eviscerated major portions of our Bill of Rights and what it means to be a liberal democracy as envisioned by our founding fathers. With less than a week of debate, they have set the United States on the road to being a banana republic where the rule of law no longer applies.
So why is this bill so dangerous? And what does this portend for our future?
The danger arises from the secret, unaccountable license for brutality.

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Yes by all means, let us not be a 'safe haven' for human rights violators.
Ingrid, proud member of BLOGGERS AGAINST TORTURE! (cross posted at Blogger Round Table)